21.03 Unit 5. English-speaking countries. The USA.

Picture of Жанна Айтуганова
21.03 Unit 5. English-speaking countries. The USA.
by Жанна Айтуганова - Friday, 20 March 2020, 6:39 PM
1) Посмотреть презентацию USA1 по США (во вложении) или в Unit 5 и письменно ответить на следующие вопросы:
 1)How is the Mississippi river called?
2) What parts does the Congress consist of?
3) What does the President of the USA do?
4) What are the demands to the USA President?
5) What do you khow about the Constitution of the USA?
6) Who was the 1 President of the USA?
7) How many presidents were in USA?
8) What do you know about  the Statue of Liberty?
9) What is Rugby?
10) What interesting  fact was new for you from  presentation?

2) Посмотреть видео LAS VEGAS  - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pn1akm99ytkz4s8/AADHnqKQyo4S2l2SY-EQqQ6fa?dl=0&preview=Las+Vegas+Vacation+Travel+Guide+-+Expedia.mp4 и написать конспект (эссе) до 10 предложений по фильму.
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