
Замалиев Даниль , ЭМТ-1-21

Picture of Даниль Замалиев
Замалиев Даниль , ЭМТ-1-21
by Даниль Замалиев - Monday, 27 December 2021, 4:42 PM

In her speech, Ekaterina Shulman talks about what changes await humanity in the future. She talks about the changes in the institution of the family: Now it has become possible to survive alone (previously it was impossible); the speaker says that more and more people stop going to work and start working remotely; Ekaterina Shulman says that nowadays it has become easier to meet people due to the development of Internet resources. Further, the lecturer talks about the problem of income / earnings, about how future generations will solve this problem "The task of the new century is to teach the masses to live as the aristocracy used to live, and at the same time not go crazy" (Robert Skidelsky) Then Ekaterina Shulman talks about new problems in the future. She says that with the advent of robotization, many people will lose their jobs, leading to rallies and strikes (In China, many people commit suicide, protesting against robotization). I largely agree with the opinion of Ekaterina Shulman, but I am not sections of her position on robotization. I believe that this is an irreversible process. Yes, it will lead to job cuts, however, I believe that humanity will be able to adapt to this and find new industries for further development and prosperity.