примеры тестов и контрольных вопросов для проведения текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации



Примеры тестов и контрольных вопросов для проведения текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации







Выберите правильный артикль.

1.      I'd like to have … hamburger for breakfast.                                                                    

      a) the

      b) a

      c) an

      d) -


Выберите правильный предлог

    3. He became famous only … his death.                                                                                              

            a) after

            b) since

            c) of


Выберите нужное местоимение

4. She washed … hands and face.                                                                                        

       a) her

 b) it

 c) I


Выберите правильную форму глагола tobe

в Present, Past and Future Indefinite (Simple)

5. My mother … a shop-assistant.                                                                                            

a) is

b) was

c) am

6. My sister … at the theatre yesterday.                                                                                    

a) was

b) were

c) are


Выберите правильную форму глагола  to have

в Present, Past, Future Indefinite (Simple)

7. They... no French magazines                                                                                                

a) have

b) will have

c) had


8. …   you any paper?                                                                                                               

a) have

b) has

c) had

Поставьте глагол to be в конструкции there is/there are

в нужном времени

9. There … a way out of the situation.                                                                    

10. … there any problems with your car yesterday?                                             

11. There … many guests tomorrow.                                                                    


12. Установите соответствие:


1.my full name

2.in this year


4.little free time


6.the only child



9.to run the house

10.baby twins


12.a final year

13.to be retired

14.old age pension

15.to be  in good health

16.friendly teams


1. всегда

2.единственный ребенок



5.в этом  году

6.мое полное имя



9.дружеские отношения

10.пенсия по старости


12.хорошо себя чувствовать

13.вести хозяйство

14.последний курс

15.быть на пенсии

16.мало свободного времени


13. Установите правильную последовательность

1.Kazan , I , student , of , Power , am , of , State , University , Engineering , a , the .

2.problems , have , we , many .

3.time-table, have , we , six , five, or , according , to , the , hours , a day.

4.attentively , we , at , lectures , the , listen to , the lecturer.


Module II





Present Simple

Choose the right order of words.

1.  a) Does Sandra always get up early in the morning?

b) Does Sandra get up early always in the morning?

c) Does Sandra get up always in the morning early?

d) Does Sandra get up always early in the morning?

2. a) When next year do you start at the university?

b) When at the university do you start next year?

c) When do start you at the university next year?

d) When do you start at the university next year?

Put the verb in right form

3. We enjoy the theatre, but we ___ (not go) very often there,

4. He often ___ (phone) his mother in London.

Choose the right answer

5. My mother ___ a bad headache

a) have got

b) am

c) has got

6. We ___ a car, but we are going to buy it.

a) don’t have

b) aren’t have

c) hasn’t

Past Simple

Choose the right order of words.

7. a) How much did cost it for the return ticket?

b) How much for the return ticket did it cost?

c) How much did it cost for the return ticket?

d) How did much it cost for the return ticket?

8. a) Did the shops close at 8 o'clock in the evening?

b) Did close the shops at 8 o'clock in the evening?

c) The shops did close at 8 o'clock in the evening?

d) The shops closed at 8 o'clock in the evening?

Put the verb in right form

9. We ___ (not have) a holiday yesterday.

10. Don’t worry about your letter. I ___ (send) it the day before yesterday.

Future Simple

Choose the right order of words.

13. a) She not will come home early.

b) She will come not home early.

c) She won't come home early.

d)Not she will come home early

14. a) Why won't you come to the youth club?

b) Why you will not come to the youth club?

c) Why not you will come to the youth club?

d) Why shan't you come to the youth club?

Put the verb in right form

15. It’s late. I think I ___ (take) a taxi.

16. I’m afraid they ___ (not wait) for us tomorrow.

Choose the right answer

17. You ___  in Paris tomorrow evening

a) will arrive

b) shall arrive

c) arrives

18) ___ you buy a new house next year?

a) shall

b) do

c) will


My University


Закончите предложения подходящими по смыслу словами:

19. The University has the full-time, part-time and … .

         a) distant-learning education versions

         b) external course

         c) distant-learning and external education versions                         

21. It is a basic higher educational establishment of … … .

a) power specialists training

b)      teacher training

c)      power engineers training                                                           

     22. More than 10000 students and post-graduate students … … .

a) are teaching at the University

b) are studying at the University

c) are learning at the University                                                      


23. Найдите соответствия:

scientific research centre                            аспиранты

establishment                                             оборудование

equipment                                                   вечернее обучение

full – timeдиссертация

part-time                                                     научно-исследовательский центр

post-graduate students                                учреждение

theses                                                          дневное обучение

to be at smbs disposal                               быть в чьем-либо распоряжении       


Установите правильный порядок слов

24. students / how many / University / study / our / at?

25. the University / does / staff / a / have / professional?

26. became / power / the center / the University / of / specialists training / engineering.

27. the University / leasure / students / organizes / club / time / the students.

28. KSPEU / for / years / student’s / several / is / festival / of /  Student’s / a winner / spring.



Module III



Выберите правильную форму глагола (времена группы Perfect)

  1. My friend ... ....  me to solve this problem yet.                     

a) have helped

b) haven’t helped

с) hasn’t helped

  1.  I  ...  already ... my dinner.                                                                                               

a) have...had

b) has...had

с) was... had

  1. She ... just ... a box of chocolates.                                                                                    

a) have...opened

b) has...opened

с) haven’t ...opened

  1. He ...  .... a difficult article from English into Russian.                                                     

a) has translated

b) have translated

с) was translated

  1. Who ... ...this book?                                                                                                      

a) have written

b) write

с) has written


Установите правильную последовательность:

6.I, been, to, have, never, Washington.

7. Bought, car, my, has, a, my, friend, new.

8. An, for, years, he, been, engineer, two, has.   

9. Have, known,1990, we, since, him.  

10. How long, worked, this, have, you, at, plant.   

11. Test, driving, his, passed, already, has, friend, my.    

12. Friday, since, I, haven’t, last, seen, him.  

13. You, been, New York, have, to, ever.  

14. Seen, has, manager, who,  the. 

15. Already, passed, have, exams, we, our. 


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

16. My father went to Spain two days ... .                                                                          

17. I have been studying English ... five years.                                                                   

18. She hasn’t finished her work ... .                                                                                   

19. He has been in Madrid ... ten years.

20. I have worn contact lenses ... five years.                                                                       

21. They have been here ... last Monday.                                                                        

22. I haven’t seen my friend  ... a week.                                                                              

23. She has ... finished her test paper.                                                                  

24. We have been on holidays ... two days.                                                                         

25. Hasn’t she come ... .                                                                                                      


Module IV



            Прилагательное (Adjectives)

Выберите правильный вариант ответа

1)  Happiness is ___ than money.

A) important

B) more important

C) the most important

2) A snail is ___ than a tortoise.

A) slower

B) more slow

C) the slowest

3) This room is not so as ___ as that one on the first floor.

A) comfortable

B) more comfortable

C) the most comfortable


Поставьте прилагательное в правильную форму

4)  The younger you are, the ___ (easy) it is to learn.

5)  Of the three girls, this one is the ___(pretty).

6)  Which instrument makes ___(beautiful)  music in the world?


Perfect tenses

Выберите правильный вариант ответа

7) My friend ... ....  me to solve this problem yet.

a) have helped

b) haven’t helped

с) hasn’t helped

8) I  ...  already ... my dinner.                                                                        

a) have...had

b) has...had

с) was... had

9) She ... just ... a box of chocolates.

a) have...opened

b) has...opened

с) haven’t ...opened

10) He ...  .... a difficult article from English into Russian.

a) has translated

b) have translated

с) was translated

11) Who ... ...this book?

a) have written

b) write

с) has written

12) He ... from the cinema by 5 o’clock.

a) have returned

b) will return

с) had returned

13)  By two o’clock the teacher ... ... all the students.                                    

a) were examining

b) had examined

с) is examining

14) By the time you come to my place I ... ... ...the article.                              

a) will have translated

b) will be translating

с) will be translated


Установите правильную последовательность.

15) I, been, to, have, never, Washington.                           

16) Friday, since, I, haven’t, last, seen, him.                    

17) You, been, New York, have, to, ever.                         

18) My father went to Spain two days ... .                                    

19) I have been studying English ... five years.                              

20) She hasn’t finished her work ...                                                 


Passive voice

Выберите правильный вариант ответа

21) The day before yesterday we (invite) to the restaurant by Tom Jenkins.          

a) are invited

b) were invited

c) invite

22) The letter and the parcel (post) tomorrow.                                                         

a) will be post

b) will have been posted

c) will be posted

23) I (bear)in a small Russian town not far from Samara.                                      

a) was borne                             

b) am born

c) was born

24) Many houses (build) every year.                                                                        

a) are built

b) is built

c) were build

25) The dinner (serve) in half an hour.                                                                

a) will serve

b) will be served

c) is served

26) Last week Sally (offer) a new job.                                                                

a) offered

b) were offered

c) was offered

27) Soccer (play) in many countries.                                                                   

a) is played

b) are played

c) played

28) The plane (expect) to be on time.                                                                  

a) expects

b) is expected

c) will expect

29) The fence (paint) by Nick two hours ago.                                                      

a) is painted

b) was painted

c) will be painted


Alfred Nobel

Установите соответствия



1) inventor                   a) химик

2) explosive                 b) взрывчатое вещество

 3) chemist                   с) земля

4) solid                        d) изобретатель




1) industrialist       a) оружие

2) weapon              b) мина

3) fame                  c) промышленник

4) mine                  d) слава




 1) to make a fortune      a) уважать

 2) to injure                     b)ранить

 4) to avoid publicity      c)разбогатеть

4) to respect                    d) избегать публичности



1) concern                       a) качество

2) generous                     b) цель

3) useless                        c) бесполезный

4) quality                        d) щедрый


Установите правильный порядок слов.

34) son, he, was, the, a, bankrupt, of.                     

35) always, he, was, to, the generous, poor.           

36) to see, he, was, openings, industrial, quick.      

37) a, he, made, lived, simple, fortune, but, life.    

38) alone, he, on, soil, died, foreign.                      


Вставьте пропущенное слово.

39) He … born in Stockholm on October 21, 1833.                      

40) Nobel moved to Russia … his parents.                                    

41) Most of the family returned …. Sweden in 1859.                    

42) He had never been to school … university.                              

43) His greatest wish was …  see an end to wars.                          

44) His name … brought fame … glory to others.                       


Module V


Глаголыcan, may, must и их эквиваленты.      

Дополните предложения подходящими модальными глаголами:

1. You … talk to your son about his future.                                                    

2. You … see the forest through the other window.    

3. You … follow instructions before taking medicines.

4. Sandra … speak four languages.                            

5. Tom … come and see you tomorrow if you like.

6. The tourists … attend this museum from 9 till 17 o’clock every day.                       


Установите правильную последовательность:

7. Must, things, asking, you, not, my, without, borrow.

8. All, windows, the, in, we, must, wash, house.

9. We, answer, question, the, had to, all.

10. He, get up, on, if, wants, the, to, bus, must, early, Monday, he, catch.

11. To, week, I, can’t, your, come, party, next.

12. Everywhere, book, couldn’t, I, for, but, find, looked, the, it, I.


Sequence of tenses (Согласование времен)


Выберите правильную форму глагола:

13. She supposed that they always … in time.                                                

            a) came

            b) come

            c) will come

14. My teacher … that I will succeed in my studying.                                     

            a) believed

            b) believes

            c) will believe

15. Ann’s parents were sure that she often … letters to her granny.                

            a) wrote

            b) will write

            c) write.

16. I knew that she … her key.                                                                                 

            a) had lost

            b) lose

            c) loses

17. Her brother said he never … this film before.                                                       

            a) had seen

            b) has seen

            c) see

18. Do you know where he … now?                                                                         

            a) lived

            b) lives

            c) has lived

19. He said he … his bicycle in the yard three days ago.                                            

            a) has left

            b) had left

            c) leave

20. Peter … his friend has just returned home.                                                

            a) thinks

            b) thought

            c) will think

Great Britain


Найдите соответствия:

21.       1. to be situated                       a) влияние

            2. population                           b) полуостров

            3. influence                              c) располагается, находится

            4. peninsula                             d) состоять из

            5. to consist of                        e) численность населения


22.       1. to separate                          a) гористый

            2. mountainous             b) парламентская монархия

            3. total area                             c) столица

            4. parliamentary monarchy       d) разделять

            5. capital                                 e) общая площадь


23.       1. legislation                             a) низменность                    

            2. lowland                               b) делить

            3. divide                                  c) глава государства

            4. head of state                        d) высокоразвитый

            5. highly-developed                 e) законодательство


Вставьте в предложения пропущенные слова:


24. Great Britain ….. on two large islands.      

25. The island of Great Britain ….. into two parts: mountainous and lowland.  

26. The island of Great Britain ….. from France by the English Channel.         

27. Great Britain ….. four main parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.          

28. The capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is …..   

29. Great Britain is a ….. industrial country.                                                               


Установите правильный порядок слов:


30. Freeze, the, seldom, in, rivers, winter.

31. Over, Great, islands, Britain, five, includes, hundred, small.

32. The, of, in, Queen, Great, power, the, Britain, not, absolute, is.

33. British, not, guarantees, political, legislation, does, provide, of, rights, written, individual.

34. The, Commons, nation-wide, body, of, House, is, a, representative.         

35. Minister, the, to make up, the, appoints, the, Prime, ministers, government.


Module 6





 Выберите правильный перевод слова:


1. improvement                 а) значимость                                                     

                                           b) качество

                                          c) улучшение


2. to increase                      a) оставаться                                                     

                                           b) увеличивать

                                           c) облегчать


3. permanent                        a) постоянный                                                   

                                                b) ценный

                                           c) удачный


4. instead of                       a)  внутри

                                           b) вместо

                                           c) хотя


 5. scale                               a) причина                                                        

                                            b) задача

                                            c) масштаб


6. to facilitate                      a) облегчать

                                            b) выполнять

                                           c) существовать


7. convenient                    a) ценный                                                          

                                         b) значительный

                                         c) удобный


8. to solve                         a) вычислять                                                    

                                          b) существовать

                                          c) решать


Установите английские соответствия следующих русских слов:

11. 1) оправдывать                   а) valuable

      2)  значимость                     b) justify

      3) предыдущий                   c)  significance

      4) ценный                            d) remain

      5) соединять                         e) previous


12.  1) быстрый                         a) successful                                             

        2) население                      b) branch

        3) отрасль                           c) rapid

        4) удачный                         d) major

        5) вмещать                          e) seat


Установите соответствия, подобрав пары синонимов:

13. 1) many                                 a) to determine                                        

      2) to decide                           b) to connect                                           

      3) to think                              c) to remain                                            

      4) to link                                d) plenty of                                            

      5) toexpand                           e) toconsider


Установите соответствия, подобрав пары антонимов:

14.  empty                                a) broad                                                     

                                                 b) full

                                                 c) busy                      

15. plenty of                            a) often                                                       

                                                b) free

                                                c) little

16. return                                a) to leave                                                   

                                               b) to link

                                               c) to unite


Вставьте в предложения пропущенные слова:

17. The length of the bus … is increased by 5 km.                                 

18. We live in the new … of Kazan.                                                       

19. The first railway … Moscow and St. Petersburg.                                   

20. This map has a … of 1:100.                                                                

21. Who … the Moscow University?                                                      

22. Such substance doesn’t … on the Earth.                                             

23. The computer use … the calculations.                                          

24. The … of this country has grown considerably.                              

25. The width of the room is 5 meters and the … 7 meters.                  

26. What … do you have to think so?                                                    




Выберите форму Participle I  следующих глаголов:

27. to offer                                        a) offered                                                  

                                                          b) offering

                                                          c) has been offered

28. to connect                                    a) having connected                                 

                                                           b) connected

                                                           c) is being connected

29. to increase                                    a) being increased                                    

                                                           b) have increased

                                                           c) increased

30. to perform                                    a) performed                                             

                                                           b) are performing

                                                           c) having been performed


Выберите форму Participle II следующих глаголов:

31. to find                                           a) having been found                                

                                                           b) found

                                                           c) having found

32. to deserve                                     a) deserving                                               

                                                           b) has deserved

                                                           c) deserved

33. to choose                                       a) chose                                                    

                                                            b) chosen

                                                            c) having been chosen


34. to remain                                       a) remained                                              

                                                            b) remaining

                                                            c) having remained


Выберите правильный перевод словосочетаний:

35. The engineer using a new method.

       a) инженер, использующий новый метод                                                 

b) инженер использовал новый метод

c) новый метод, использованный инженером


36.  Having offered her his help.

a) он предложил ей свою помощь                                                             

b) помощь, предложенная ей

c) предложив ей свою помощь


37.  The research made in the laboratory.

       a) исследование выполнено в лаборатории                                              

b) исследование, выполненное в лаборатории

c) выполнив исследование в лаборатории


38. Receiving important information.

a) получив важную информацию                                                                

b) получая важную информацию

c) полученная важная информация


39. The new equipment having been installed recently.

 a) новое оборудование, установленное недавно в лаборатории             

b) установив новое оборудование недавно в лаборатории

c) новое оборудование установлено недавно в лаборатории


40. The student studying foreign languages.

a) изучая иностранные языки                                                                     

b) студент изучал иностранные языки

c) студент, изучавший иностранные языки


41. The problems being solved successfully.

      a) проблемы, решаемые успешно                                                              

b) решая проблемы успешно

      c) проблемы решают успешно


42. Producing new cars.                                                                                      

a) производя новые автомобили

b) произведенные новые автомобили

 с) произведя новые автомобили


43. The explanation given by scientists.                                                               

       a) ученые дали объяснение

       б) объяснение, данное учеными

       c) дав объяснение


Выберите правильную форму Participle:


44. … the English article into Russian she looked up the unknown                   

words in the dictionary.

      a) being translated

      b) translating

      c) translated

45. The car … the speed of 320 km. is being constructed by the German          


        a) having been developed

        b) having developed

        c) developing

46. … a new equipment they started their chemical experiments.                       

        a) having installed

        b) installed

        c) being installed

47. The lecture … by a well-known professor was very interesting.                      

         a) reading

         b) having read

         c) having been read

48. The information … recently is rather important for all of us.                         

          a) obtained

          b) obtaining

          c) having obtained

49. The means of communication … in the 19th century are different from ours. 

          a) existed

          b) existing

          c) having existed


Образуйте от глаголов  правильную форму Participle I или Participle II:

50. Manhattan Island (to connect) by six bridges, tunnels and ferries            

 with the other New York districts is the heart of the city.   

51. (To pass) all the examinations he left for his native town yesterday.        

52. The bridge (to link) two districts of the city is being built now.                 

53. (To wait) for him we looked through the magazines.                                 

54. I heard the voices (to come) through the open window.                             

55.  (To found) in 1147 by the Prince of Suzdal  Jury Dolgoruky                   

 Moscow will never lose its significance in the development of Russia.



Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово:

56. The United States of America … the southern part of North America.            

      a) occupies

      b) divides

      c) varies

57. The USA … on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south                     

       a) includes

       b) brings

       c) borders

58. The climate of the central part is … .                                                                 

       a) continental

       b) important

       c) developed

59. According to the US Constitution the powers of the government                     

      are divided into 3 … .

      a) origin

      b) branches

      c) mountains

60. If we look at the … of the USA, we can see lowlands and mountains.            

      a) map

      b) population

      c) government

61. The Americans … from nearly all races and nations.                                      

      a) are divided

      b) consist of

      c) are made up

62. The United States is the … union of 50 states.                                                

      a) manufacturing

      b) subtropical

      c) federal


Установите английские соответствия следующих русских слов:

63. 1) textile                      a) законодательная власть                         

      2) origin                      b) нефть                                                       

      3) legislative               c) меняться                                                  

      4) to vary                    d) арктический                                            

      5) oil                           e) происхождение                                       


64.  1) to occupy             a) медь

       2) coast                    b) вооружение

       3) copper                 c) побережье

       4) to manufacture    d) получать                                                   

      5) armament             e) занимать


65.  1) southern              a) судебная власть

       2) to include            b) равнина

      3) lowlands              c) каменный уголь

      4) judicial                d) граничить

      5) coal                      e) южный                                                     


Вставьте в предложения пропущенные слова:

66. The United States of America is the forth largest … in the world.                  

67. The total … of the country is about nine and a half million square kilometers.  

68. The … of the country is about 265 million.                                                         

69. The … along the Pacific coast is much warmer than that of                               

      the Atlantic coast.

70. Among the most … manufacturing industries are aircraft,                                 

      textiles, radio and television sets, armaments, furniture and paper.


Установите правильный порядок слов:

71. From, the Atlantic Ocean, to, stretches, the USA, the Pacific.

72. On, borders, and, in the south, Canada, the USA, in the north, Mexico.

73.  Mount McKinley, is located, which, the highest, Alaska, is, peak, in.

74.The Gulf of Mexico, blowing, often, hot, typhoons, bring, winds, from.

75. Washington DC, of, the seat, government, is, federal.




Module 7



Ecological problems

Выберите правильный ответ:


1.      Man’s activity has created the … to the environment.

a) goal   b) state   c) threat   d) benefit

2.      Water is considered to be the most … material of civilization.

a) essential   b) harmful   c) indefinite   d) fluid

3.      The pollution comes from many …: industrial wastes, thermal wastes, domestic wastes.

a) countries   b) sources   c) questions   d) reasons

4.      Carbon dioxide … the emission of the earth’s heat into space which results in the so-called “greenhouse effect” and global warming.

a) helps   b) produces   c) escapes   d) prevents

5.      High levels of noise at factories … work efficiency and may be … for the workers’ health.

a) estimate, good   b) increase, destructive   c) reduce, dangerous   d) rise, helpful

6.      The main air pollutants in big cities are ….

a) automobiles   b) smoking people   c) factories   d) animals

7.      At present the air contains around 140 … substances: dust, smoke, soot, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, nitric oxide, etc.

a) beautiful   b) bad   c) harmful   d) strong

8.      … often pollute sea and river water with oil products.

a) cars   b) ships   c) boats   d) sailing vessels

9.      Scientists all over the world develop ecologically pure and … technologies.

a) direct   b) no-pollute   c) comfortable   d) no-waste

10.  The major threat to human health is … hanging over super-cities.

a) smog   b) fog   c) frog   d) cloud


Поставьте слова предложения в правильном порядке:

11.  Sciences / is based on / physics, chemistry, biology, geography / as / ecology / such / modern / and others.

12.  Pollution / not only / water / is harmful / to fish, animals, birds / as well / to people / but.

13.  Essential / water / civilization / is / material / the most / of / considered to be.

14.  Have / factories / all / purification / large / systems.


Вставьте на место пропуска нужную разновидность инфинитива:

15.  We thought him … (to leave) the city last Friday.

16.  I suppose this machine … (to work) on negligible amount of fuel.

17.  He noted timber … (to replace) by iron and concrete in building.

18.  She saw him … (to cross) the road and … (to enter) the airport building.

19.  The 20th century is considered … (to be) the century of space travels.

20.  His brother is claimed … (to graduate) from the university two years ago.

21.  She seems …(to wait) for you now.

22.  The police officer made him … (to pay) the charge.

23.  The teacher announced this theory … (to claim) in the 17th century.

24.  The weather appears … (to improve) at the moment.


Выберите правильный перевод слов из предложенных вариантов:

25.  огромный    a) advanced   b) flat   c) huge   d) convenient

26.  отапливать     a) to heat   b) to tie   c) to increase   d) to extend

27.  преимущество     a) shortage   b) strength   c) effort   d) advantage

28.  главный     a) shallow   b) recent   c) main   d) huge

29.  единица     a) place   b) unit   c) shape   d) hole

30.  нехватка     a) duration   b) damage   c) shortage   d) strength

31.  дорогой     a) expensive   b) advanced   c) complicated   d) permanent

32.  связывать     a) to cut   b) to tie   c) to cover   d) to arouse

33.  продолжительность     a) advantage   b) establishment   c) duration   d) length

34.  передовой     a) advanced   b) expensive   c) ordinary   d) similar

35.  толпа     a) part   b) piece   c) crowd   d) unit


Выберите противоположное по значению слово:

36.  empty     a) shallow   b) proper   c) full   d) dry

37.  shallow     a) flat   b) huge   c) similar   d) deep

38.  easy     a) above   b) difficult   c) main   d) successful

39.  to destroy     a) to arouse   b) to cut   c) to build   d) to heat

40.  to assemble     a) to cover   b) to part   c) to extend   d) to manufacture

41.  to remain     a) to assemble   b) to place   c) to leave   d) to put up

42.  strength     a) weakness   b) crowd   c) hole   d) brick

43.  always     a) still   b) never   c) as well   d) without

44.  to damage     a) to tie   b) to shape   c) to heat   d) to restore


Вставьте на место пропуска необходимую форму герундия:

45.  After … (graduate) from the university he worked in the Far North.

46.  He remembered … (add) some water to the mixture.

47.  At the meeting they discussed different ways of … (improve) their work.

48.  There are different ways of … (obtain) the substance.

49.  What is the reason of his … (leave) the city so suddenly?

50.  New possibilities of … (apply) atomic energy open up.

51.  … (split) the atom is a difficult task.

52.  After … (close) the circuit we measured the resistance.

53.  Transformers are used for … (change) direct current into alternating current.

54.  Their aim was … (obtain) all the necessary data.


Выберите подходящую форму слова (герундий):

55.  … English technical magazines is important for an engineer.

a) read   b) have read   c) having read   d) reading

56.  He remembers … some water to the mixture.

a) having added   b) to add   c) has added   d) have added

57.  They finished … apparatus only on Saturday.

a) install   b) installed   c) installing   d) was installed

58.  I remember his … in languages in his childhood.

a) having been interested   b) to be interested   c) has been interested   d) interesting

59.  I know of his … to work to the Far East last year.

a) sent   b) to be sent   c) having been sent   d) was sent

60.  They objected to his … at home.

a) stayed   b) staying   c) to stay   d) have stayed

61.  … foreign languages is important for every educated man.

a) have been speaking   b) spoke   c) speaking   d) spoken

62.  They began … experiments in May.

a) making   b) made   c) have made   d) having been made

63.  After … the examination in January he had to take it again in February.

a) failing   b) to fail   c) has failed   d) have been failed

64.  There are different ways of … this substance.

a) had obtained   b) having obtained   c) obtaining   d) was obtaining.


Last modified: Thursday, 16 May 2019, 11:17 AM