Key Phrases and Vocabulary
- How may I be of help - This is a formal phrase used to show politeness. It means 'Can I help you?'
- calling - telephoning
- out of the office - not in the office
- take a message - to write down a message from the caller
- urgent - very important
- delivery - the bringing of goods to a client
- mentioned - said
- resolved - taken care of
- as quickly as possible - in the fastest manner, ASAP
- shipment - delivery, the bringing of goods to a client
- assured - certainty that something is true or will happen
- pleased - happy
- delayed - not be able to do something on time
- looks like - seems
- staff meeting - a meeting of employees
- lasts - to take time
- schedule - make future appointment
Last modified: Thursday, 13 June 2019, 10:06 PM