Exercises to the text "Alfred Nobel"

Ex.1. Ответьте на вопросы:


1. Was Alfred Nobel the son of a millionaire?

2. How did he make a fortune?

3. What did Alfred invent?

4. Did he have a family?

5. Was Alfred personally well known?

6. When and where was he born?

7. Why did Alfred move to Russia?

8. Did Immanuel Nobel invent the landmine or dynamite?

9. What kind of person was Alfred?

10. What was his greatest wish?


Ex.2. Переведите на русский язык слова и словосочетания:


Great inventor; manage to remain; make a  fortune; cheerful in company; native land; foreign soil; mining; fellow men; useless; publicity; deserve; fame; glory; strong position; order; skilful chemist; greatness; ability; concern; generous; stomach; cause; will; respect.





Ex.3. Переведите на английский  язык слова и словосочетания:


Жизнерадостный; промышленник; разбогатеть; чужая земля; улучшить; ранить соотечественников; бесполезный; всемирно-известный; избегать гласности; заслужить славу; прочная позиция; превосходный лингвист; изобретательный; главная цель; щедрый для бедных; уважать.  


Ex.4. Подберите антонимы:


Bankrupt; foreign soil;  manage; make a fortune; millionaire; simple life; sad; native land; useful life; world-famous; strong position; excellent linguist; skilful chemist; luck; generous; cheerful; useless; respect.


Ex.5. Соответствуют ли данные предложения содержанию  текста:


1. Alfred Nobel’s father went bankrupt before the birth of Alfred.

2. Alfred’s father was a successful inventor.

3. Alfred studied chemistry.

4. Alfred knew science but was a poor linguist.

5. Immanuel Nobel was quick to see industrial openings for his scientific inventions and built up over eighty companies in different countries.

6. Throughout his life Alfred Nobel avoided publicity.

7. Nobel’s inventions made him a millionaire.

8. He was interested in literature and philosophy.

9. Alfred Nobel died in Paris in 1896.

10. After Alfred  Nobel’s  death his name brought him fame and glory.