Упражнение к теме "Причастие I и II"

Объедините два предложения в одно, используя соответствующее причастие.

1. He translated the English article into Russian. He looked up the unknown words in the dictionary.

2. The channel is being built now. It links the two seas.

3. I was shown the way. I could find the supermarket easily.

4. He discovered the new element. Then he got the Nobel Prize for this discovery.

5. The length of the bus route is 37 km. It was increased recently. 

6. They try to improve the city traffic. They built a new bridge.

7. The latest equipment is being installed in the laboratory. It will help to complete the experiment in time.

8. She is translating the text into Russian. She is using a lot of dictionaries.

9. Help was offered by the teacher. It was necessary for the student.

10. The institute produces chemical substances. It applies the new methods of production.