упр. 2.

Закончите предложения выражениями из правой колонки:


1. My working day…                             

1.... my friends.

2. Every day I...                                    

2. ... the lecturer very attentively and make notes.

3. Then I wash, dress, do my bed and at…

3. ... prepare my home assignment.

4. For breakfast I have...

4. ... read books, newspapers,                                                                  magazines or watch TV.

5. The bus stop is not...                           

5. ... problems and answer the                                                                   questions of the teachers holding                                                                   seminars.

6. It takes me 30 minutes…

6. ... for lunch.

7. Our classes begin…

7. ... to get to the University and I leave home at a quarter past  seven.

8. According to the time-table …

8. ... free time I go to the cinema

9. At the lectures we listen to…

9. ... half past six I'm ready to                                                                                            have breakfast.

10. At the seminars we discuss...             

10. ... to bed at half past eleven.

11. Between classes we have...                 

11. ... switch on the radio and do my morning exercises.

12. At 12.50 we have a long break…            

12. ... a cup of tea or coffee and                                                                                              some sandwiches as a rule.

13. Our classes are over...                           

13. ... at 8 o'clock.

14. At home I have a short rest and then....

14. ... at two or three o'clock

15. In the evening I...                                   

15. ... we study six hours a day.

16. If I have... .                                             

16. ... short breaks.

17. Sometimes I go to see .. .                       

17. ... far from our house.

18. I usually go...                                         

18. ... begins early.