
Ответьте на вопросы:


  1. What part of U.S. total energy does transportation use?
  2. What part of the U.S. oil consumption does transportation use?
  3. Are cars built in other countries less efficient than those built in the USA?
  4. How do high taxes on gasoline affect the efficiency of energy consumption?
  5. When did the US Congress pass a law that mandated doubling the fuel efficiency of new cars by 1985?
  6. Did this law cause the average efficiency of all U.S. cars?
  7. What was the persentage in improvements between 1975 and 1990?
  8.  What was the reason that  much of this improvement has been offset?
  9.  Have automobile manufacturers  the technical capability today to build cars that  more efficient?
  10. What would be required for the mass-production of more efficient cars?