Online education

Хайбрахимов Альберт ЭМТ-1-21

Picture of Альберт Хайбрахимов
Хайбрахимов Альберт ЭМТ-1-21
by Альберт Хайбрахимов - Monday, 7 February 2022, 10:22 AM

1) I think that learning a digital language may well be a permanent way of learning. Thanks to the Internet, you can find a large amount of necessary information, so you can study the topic in depth.

2)I think that cultural differences can be overcome through online study. Thanks to the joint study of people from different countries, people can study not only a new topic, but also learn about the cultures of other peoples and respect them. But if it does not work out to combine the training of people from different nations, then you can study the topic by recording the lesson. If you have any questions, ask them to the teacher.

3)I believe that self-motivation can be developed thanks to set goals and a clear plan. If you make a plan, the task will seem much easier, so it will be easier to get started.