Online education

Нуркаева Гульназ эмт2-21

Picture of Гульназ Нуркаева
Нуркаева Гульназ эмт2-21
by Гульназ Нуркаева - Monday, 7 February 2022, 11:19 AM

I’m sure changes will. I think digital learning can be a permanent way of  learning, Since distance learning opens up new opportunities, significantly expanding both the information space and the information sphere of education. 

2. I think yes, but educators and manufacturers of educational products should understand that their job is to accept cultural differences and adapt to the established learning practices of each culture, and not expect these cultures to adapt to them.  This benefits both students from different countries, as they have the opportunity to enrich themselves with knowledge, and the teachers themselves, as they are enriched with new methods.

3. To improve your self motivation, you need to leave aside everything superfluous, work in a suitable environment and, of course, set clear good