Digital learning drawbacks

Нуркаева Гульназ эмт 2-21

Picture of Гульназ Нуркаева
Нуркаева Гульназ эмт 2-21
by Гульназ Нуркаева - Monday, 7 February 2022, 12:07 PM

1. the most important advantage of online learning is - high mobility, efficiency and a lot of free time, of course, the advantages exceed the disadvantages, as self-organization increases, intellectual, creative potential is activated, the ability to work with electronics, responsible decision-making skills develop

2. I think so, because  our generation is generation Z, the phone has replaced paper books with electronic ones, etc.

 Undoubtedly, the remote format will significantly facilitate not only life, but also increase the productivity and independence of its participants.  In 10-15 years, distance learning will be more accessible to all students, and this will be a big and significant plus for science

3. I think that in 50 years digital learning will be very popular, but regular face-to-face schools will still be popular because not all people prefer online classes