Online education

Сергеева Эмилия Э-2-21

Picture of Эмилия Сергеева
Сергеева Эмилия Э-2-21
by Эмилия Сергеева - Monday, 7 February 2022, 1:58 PM

1. In my opinion, learning a foreign language is impossible without personal contact with a native speaker. Only in this way you can feel all the nuances of the language. A native speaker will show you how to pronounce words correctly, tell you about the features of the language that can only be noticed in everyday life. 

2. It is possible that digital learning will overcome cultural differences. No wonder digital technologies are developing every day. Nowadays there are all opportunities for digital language learning: video tutorials, communication with native speakers through online meetings. 

3. We can set ourselves a goal, reward ourselves for every step towards the goal. We must definitely know what we are learning the language for, and also make comfortable conditions for studying.