Online education

Digital education

Изображение пользователя Максим Гордеев
Digital education
от Максим Гордеев - Monday, 7 February 2022, 14:14
1. I think not, because in my opinion the quality of education drops

sharply.When you are at the home, the desire to study disappearscompletely, it also depends on the person. However, it is 

worth recognizing that distance education is the future and it will continue  to develop for many years to come. 

2.More likely no than yes. Cultural differences between different peoples will always exist. I think that different people's have their own specific mentality that will stand out. Digital education are unlikely to solve this problem. 

3.If a person can motive himself, he can increase his chance of success in a professional environment. First you need you set yourself up inside.