Digital learning drawbacks

Тухватуллин Расим, гр. э-2-21

Picture of Расим Тухватуллин
Тухватуллин Расим, гр. э-2-21
by Расим Тухватуллин - Monday, 7 February 2022, 8:54 PM

  Everyone has advantages and disadvantages, as in learning in a digital environment. In my opinion, there are two huge advantages of learning in a digital environment. This is flexibility and accessibility. Each student can safely use conference recordings at any time, which allows him to flexibly plan his schedule. Thanks to accessibility, you can study anywhere, all you need is a good Internet connection.
  As I have already said, one of the huge advantages of learning in a digital environment is accessibility, you can get knowledge anywhere, and for this you need only small tools (phone or laptop, and the Internet). We live in a time when technology is developing very quickly. And the emergence of the Internet in third world countries is only a matter of time, so if not now, then in the future education will definitely become more accessible to everyone.
  As for me, classrooms will remain for a long time, because no matter how many advantages digital learning has, knowledge is still mastered better in face-to-face meetings. In order to switch to digital learning in the future, it is necessary to solve a number of different problems that arise during classes, it can be both local problems (problems with certain people, for example, problems with connection, Internet, equipment), as well as global problems (financial support, solving problems with a huge number of people in the classroom, etc.)