Digital learning drawbacks

Шакиров Эмиль Русланович АУС-2-21

Picture of Эмиль Шакиров
Шакиров Эмиль Русланович АУС-2-21
by Эмиль Шакиров - Thursday, 10 February 2022, 11:08 AM

1) I believe that digital learning has more minuses than pluses. But there is a significant plus, this is that you will not have to spend a lot of money, time to come (or fly) to a lecture in another country when you can connect through a special program. But this plus will not be able to outweigh the minus - the language barrier, unless, of course, you perfectly speak a foreign language. 

2) I believe that digital learning will not change the social differences in learning. Because not all lectures, seminars are free. Thus, the situation will change little, except for the case when you would have to spend money on travel to the lecture. But I still hope that this type of education will become more accessible to the entire population, as in India, for example.

3) I think the transition to digital learning has already partly happened. All learners have experienced this during the pandemic. My opinion is that traditional learning will remain. Indeed, in an educational institution, a person receives not only knowledge, but also undergoes socialization in society, communicating with peers.