Online education

Тимергалиев Булат ЭМТ-1-21

Picture of Булат Тимергалиев
Тимергалиев Булат ЭМТ-1-21
by Булат Тимергалиев - Sunday, 13 February 2022, 8:25 PM

1.      Yes, it is possible and convenient.  There is no attachment to the place and time of training.  There are also many phone apps for learning English, which allows you to study the language anywhere.

2.      Yes, cultural differences can be overcome in digital learning, for example, there are many applications for people to communicate with native speakers, that is, people learning languages ​​in different parts of the world can call up the same language learners and there will be a two-way exchange for both, they will hear a native speaker and will be more  to learn about each other, which will help to overcome the cultural difference.

3.      In my opinion, in order to keep the motivation to learn a language, in addition to studying the theory, you need to communicate with native speakers, otherwise, without practice and a visible result, hands fall.