Digital learning drawbacks

Тараскин Сергей АУС-2-21

Picture of Сергей Тараскин
Тараскин Сергей АУС-2-21
by Сергей Тараскин - Wednesday, 16 February 2022, 4:15 PM

1)In my opinion, there are more advantages than disadvantages if we talk specifically about learning foreign languages ​​and not just learning. I think so because, firstly, you can learn from native speakers without having to travel to another country. And if you look for a good teacher in your country, then it is more difficult and more expensive than the digital education.

2)I believe that the transition to digital learning will make quality education more accessible. After all, if a person wants to study some subject and there is no teacher in his city, he can find him on the Internet.

3)It seems to me that over time all types of learning will be equally relevant, since digital learning is certainly good, but not in all moments. For example, with digital learning, you are most likely at home, and this is the place where you used to relax, so learning may be less effective.