Online education

Гарифуллин АУС-2-21

Изображение пользователя Марсель Гарифуллин
Гарифуллин АУС-2-21
от Марсель Гарифуллин - Wednesday, 16 February 2022, 16:51

1. I think that I-learning can be way of permanent learning. Not the only way, but one of them. If it's the most suitable for person, it should be used.

2. I don't think that digital learning can overcome cultural differences. I can't realise how learning can solve this problems. What are differences between face to face and I-learning? It's just far distance communication.

If simple communication could resolve cultural differences, they have already solved.

3. Strong self-motivation and time control management skill can be earned unknowingly during the life. There are also some methods developed by psychologists, for people who would like to earn this skills faster.