Digital learning drawbacks

Гарифуллин АУС-2-21

Picture of Марсель Гарифуллин
Гарифуллин АУС-2-21
by Марсель Гарифуллин - Wednesday, 16 February 2022, 5:28 PM

1. In my opinion, the main advantage of digital learning is that it's relatively new way of learning. It's rapidly developing, exploring new methods, embracing new technologies and innovations. So the potential of I-learning is the most.

2. The social differences are caused by lost of reasons. I admit that education was not major but significant factor. But nowdays with introduction of universal and free for all education it's become inconsiderable factor. So changes will not affect to social differences.

3. I think that in 50 years education will shift to more digital model. While e-learning is not introduced widely, we can vastly embrace main features of digital learning in relatively low price and maintenance. Achieving great success in improvement of education. But then P/E will decrease and introduction will slow down, so ordinary classes will still in need.