Задания к тексту Current Electricity (1, 2)
Exercise 1
Ответьте на вопросы:
- Do the charges neutralize each other if two equally and oppositely charged bodies are connected by a metallic conductor?
- Is this neutralization accomplished by means of a flow of electrons or by any other mean?
- In which direction electrons will flow in any continuous system of conductors?
- How do we call the current if it flows continuously in one direction?
- How do we call the current if it flows alternately in either direction?
- What is called as the electromotive force (emf) or voltage?
- What quantity is usually given in terms of the ampere?
- How do we call the unit used for expressing the quantity of resistance?
- What relationship is known as Ohm's law?
10.What can be observed when an electric current flows through a wire?
- In what unit of measurement the amount of energy expended in an electric circuit is expressed?
Exercise 2
Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:
Противоположено заряженный; металлический проводник; заряд; поток электронов; проводник; электротехника; непрерывная система; низший потенциал; высший потенциал; электрический ток; ампер; соответствовать; сопротивление; обычные условия; закон Ома; уравнение; формулировка; температура проволоки; атомы; измерять.