Задания к тексту

  1. 1.     Complete the following sentences according to the text.


1)    ‘’Light’’ crude oil flows … , while ‘’heavy’’ crude oil is ...

2)    After crude oil is removed from the ground, it is sent to ...

3)    A refinery runs ...

4)          Oil was formed from ...

5)    Scientists and engineers explore a chosen area by ...

6)    Crude oil is called ‘’sweet’’ when it contains ... Crude oil is also classified by ...

7)  One barrel of crude oil, when refined, produces ...


  1. 2.   Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the text.


1)   Tools and pipes are housed in a derrick.

2)   Crude oil is called «sour» if it contains a small quantity of sulfur.

3)   A refinery is larger than a football field.

4)   At a refinery, various pans of the crude oil are joined into useable petroleum products.

5)        Propane is used by many Americans to heat their homes.

6)        For years the remains of animals and plants were covered by layers of fine rocks.


  1. 3.     Answer the following questions and give examples.


1)        When does drilling begin?

2)   What is crude oil measured in?

3)   What are the main crude oil-producing countries?

4)        What helped the remains to turn into crude oil?

5)   Where is crude oil usually found in?

6)   What are the steps performed at all refineries?

7)        What are most petroleum products used for?

8)   What do products made from petroleum include?


  1. 4.     Find key words and phrases which best express the general meaning of each part.



  1. 5.     Write a summary of Text C.


  1. 6.     Make a presentation on the oil processing at a refinery. Find out additional information.