Exercises to the text "Kazan State Power Engineering University"

Ex.1. Ответьте на вопросы:


  1. What is KSPEU?                           
  2. What positions does KSPEU occupy?
  3. What type of education does it provide?
  4. How many specialities and specializations are there in KSPEU?
  5. How many students study at our University?
  6. Is there a post-graduate course at the University?
  7. Does the University have a professional staff?
  8. The University became the science and technology centre of power engineering specialists training, didn’t it?
  9. What facilities are there in the University?

10.Who organizes the students’ leasure time?


Ex.2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:


Высшее образовательное учреждение; занимать; лидирующее положение; техническое оборудование; научная работа; научно-исследовательский центр; дневное обучение; вечернее обучение; аспиранты; квалифицированный преподавательский штат; академия наук; диссертационный совет; подготовка специалистов в области энергетики.


Ex.3. Закончите предложения подходящими по смыслу словами:


  1. The University has the full-time, part-time and … .
  2. It is a basic higher educational establishment of … … .
  3. It is the educational and scientific-research … … .
  4. More than 10000 students and post-graduate students … … .
  5. The University Students Club organizes … … .


Ex.4. Переведите слова в скобках:


  1. Students have (большие возможности) for physical, culture, sports activities.
  2. The KSPEU library (делится) into several reading halls.
  3. (Педагогический процесс) and scientific work (выполняются) by a team of highly qualified teaching staff.
  4.  The University has (диссертационный совет).
  5. It became (научный) centre of power engineering specialists training.