Solar Energy. Exercise 2.

Определите, соответствуют или не соответствуют следующие утверждения тексту.

1. The sun is our most important source of energy.

2. It could provide all the energy needed by a modern industrial society worldwide for the indefinite future; which «conventional» energy source
could do.

3. In the 1970s, there was widespread enthusiasm, and a genuine grassroots movement emerged in the U. S. in anticipation of an imminent transition to an economy based on the nuclear energy.

4. New solar technologies could easily have supplied a double-digit percentage of energy used by now.

5. It was/is the prime example of confluence, rather than conflict, of environmental and economic wellness.

6. Expensive, high-grade focusing devices could have been available by easy mass-production in the 70s.

7. That is not to say that working for SE can be dangerous.