Digital learning drawbacks

ЭМТ-1-21 Гафин

Picture of Адель Гафин
ЭМТ-1-21 Гафин
by Адель Гафин - Monday, 7 February 2022, 10:47 AM

1. Digital learning has advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages of digital learning are that it saves time for students, it is accessible to a large number of people, people who dream of education can get it by having a device. Digital learning can be interesting if you work on it. The biggest disadvantage is the lack of discipline of learners, with digital learning it is easy to make it easy to find information and cheat. I think if we work on digital learning system and find a way for students not to avoid lessons, digital learning has a great future.

2. Digital learning will reduce inequalities between people. Children in schools often bully others for cheap clothes and appearance, using digital learning this will not happen because they will either rarely or never see their classmates. Also, you won't have to spend money on fees every year. Buy a learning device once and that's it. Because of the masses, many people who are not educated in their area will be able to learn. 

3. I believe that digital education will start replacing traditional education in the near future. Of course it will not be the only one, they will both exist, but digital education will improve greatly.