After the pandemic, we gained online learning experience. And as a fact, getting knowledge in online conferences is worse than studying in offline lessons. For example, in my personal experience, problems may arise in online training, for example, one does not have a microphone, another has a webcam, and so on indefinitely, and there is no way to prove that a student can lie. Therefore, it will be difficult to get the full amount of information.
In my opinion, online biting can overcome cultural differences. At various online conferences, you can't know who else you can sit with, but at the same time you can find someone with whom you could find a common language, and no matter where he is, or who he is. And the language barrier will be destroyed, because the translator can be at hand, and in some conference applications, a translator may already be built in.
I believe that self-motivation can be developed by setting desired goals as motivation, as well as seeking support from close friends and relatives. And the skill of time management can be developed as follows: To make a plan for the next or for a week and try to stick to it, if you don't have time for something or vice versa a lot of time, then you can adjust a lot, so in this way you can find the perfect time.