1) This way of learning is a promising direction for the modern world, but it should not be considered as a permanent way of learning, that is, thereby replacing real people (teachers), since learning a digital language is only an extension of knowledge and serves to develop skills in the professional field, and and creating opportunities for self-education.
2)computer is basically incapable of turning meanings into meanings, information into knowledge. The processing of information by a computer is not a mechanism for generating knowledge from it by a person, and it is necessary to look for the actual psychological patterns and mechanisms for understanding this process. There is a real risk of degradation of speech, and with it thinking, since it takes place in speech, which in digital learning is edited before the user presses the letters of the computer keyboard. All this leads to the dependence of people, a decrease in social skills, a loss of mental abilities and creative activity.
3)To develop strong self-motivation and time management skills, you need to identify your talents and develop them in the right direction. You can also watch successful people, but it’s better to find a mentor to gain new skills. Start planning your time and setting priorities for yourself, structuring your work, to track your work and its results. You can also get into the habit of working on a timer, so you will know the value of your time, work more productively, learn to manage expectations and train willpower.