Digital learning drawbacks

Шакиров Марат, Э-1-21

Изображение пользователя Марат Шакиров
Шакиров Марат, Э-1-21
от Марат Шакиров - Sunday, 13 February 2022, 14:18

  1. The biggest advantages of the digital learning is that anyone can study at any convenient time and in any place. This can outweigh the drawbacks if you have a strong self-motivation and a time management skills.
  2. I think that distance learning makes education more accessible, because anyone who has the Internet and a computer can study. The Internet is becoming more accessible every year and currently more than half of the world's population uses the Internet.
  3. I think that education will become more digital, but the traditional form of education will not stop being used. The traditional form of education is more effective, since it is systematic and the material is presented in an orderly and logically correct way.