Digital learning drawbacks

Сергеева Эмилия Михайловна, Э-2-21

Picture of Эмилия Сергеева
Сергеева Эмилия Михайловна, Э-2-21
by Эмилия Сергеева - Sunday, 13 February 2022, 9:34 PM

1. I believe that the biggest advantage of digital learning is mobility. You can be anywhere in the world and study. Therefore, we not only save time on the road, that we don't have to go somewhere. But we can also devote time to learning whenever possible.

2. I still think that digital learning will even out social differences. Firstly, people will not contact each other. Secondly, we now live in the 21st century, everyone has phones and no one looks at their price, no one judges a person by phone. 

3. I don't think anything will change in 50 years. Yes, perhaps we will study more remotely, but the state will not allow schoolchildren to study digitally, as social interaction is necessary. Therefore, a complete transition to digital learning is impossible.