Online education

Иванова Юлия АУС-2-21

Picture of Юлия Иванова
Иванова Юлия АУС-2-21
by Юлия Иванова - Wednesday, 16 February 2022, 5:56 PM

 1. Online learning, in my opinion, is not a very good form of education.  Since studying remotely, without visiting an educational institution, it is difficult for me to concentrate on my studies.  As for learning languages ​​in this form of education, I want to say that it will be difficult. I believe that learning a foreign language requires more concentration, more communication in life, online learning cannot be compared with this.

   2. In digital language learning, the teacher and the student may have different cultures, and this is normal.  But overcoming these differences will not be easy, everything will depend on the behavior of the student and the teacher.

   3. Motivation in learning largely depends on the teacher, how interestingly he presents the information, so that students want to listen and listen to him.  Motivation can also be found simply by imagining the result that you will achieve if you work hard.