Online education

Фазылов Динар АУС-2-21

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Фазылов Динар АУС-2-21
от Динар Фазылов - Wednesday, 16 February 2022, 21:53

   1. I think that digital language learning is more comfortable to study than FTF (face-to-face) meeting, because it’s more easier to open laptop or mobile phone at home than go to other building through the winter snow or autumn dirt and rain. The human is animal who likes comfortable conditions, so people's future for deals in digital space.
   2. Cultural differences won’t influence on digital language learning, because no matter how people are different language stay same for all. Differences in languages appeared because of developing, any language has similarity with world language
   3.To develop self-motivation and get time manegement skills for first we have to be inspiered for it. In young years of course huge part depends from authorities (teachers, parents etc.), but in adult all depends from ourselves. My opinion is that if you want to develop any skill, you must hardwork on it.