Задания к тексту Energy resources (history) (1, 2, 3)

Exercise 1


Ответьте на вопросы:


  1. Is energy the basis of industrial civilization?
  2. When did the world begin a painful adjustment to the vulnerability of energy supplies?
  3. Do you think that conservation practices may provide the time to develop potential technological options?
  4. What kind of energy source became the most favored after World War II?
  5. What were the first and the major source of energy for most of human history?
  6. What other energy sources were also used in ancient times?
  7. Did coal become the dominant energy source as the Industrial Revolution proceeded?
  8. When did people begin to use wood to make charcoal?


Exercise 2


Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:


     База,  болезненный,  поставки,  технологические опции,  источник энергии,  история человечества,  лес,  объем древесины,  древнее временя, битум,  торф,   средние века,  производить древесный уголь,  на заре промышленной революции, обжатие железной руды,  паровой двигатель, преобладающий источник энергии.


Exercise 3


Закончите предложения подходящими по смыслу словосочетаниями:


1.  Modern life can not exist without…     a) coal

                                                                  b) oil

                                                                  c) energy.


  1. After World War II the most                a) wood

favorable energy source was …            b) coal

                                                                  c) oil.


  1. For most of human history the first and        a) coal

the major source of energy was …                 b) wood

                                                                  c) oil.


4.  To make charcoal people used …                  a) wood

                                                                  b) oil

                                                                  c) gas.


  1. In reduction of ores charcoal was                  a) oil

replaced by …                                      b) steam

                                                                  c) core made from coal.


  1. During the Industrial Revolution the    a) asphalt

dominant source of energy was …                 b) oil

                                                             c) coal