Задания к тексту Petroleum

Exercise 1


Ответьте на вопросы:


  1. How many countries in the world have commercial quantities of crude oil and natural gas?
  2. Where are the largest known oil deposits in the world?
  3. Do Middle East deposits contain more than half the known oil reserves?
  4. Where are almost one-third of the known natural gas reserves located?
  5. Have geologists and other scientists developed techniques that indicate oil or gas deep in the ground?
  6. What do these techniques include?
  7. Do you think that the only method by which oil or gas can be found is drilling? Prove your answer.
  8. Were most wells drilled on land, for a long time?
  9. In what areas of the world have large oil and gas fields] been found offshore?


Exercise 2


Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:


Коммерческий объем;  природный газ;  шельфовая нефть;  во всех частях земли;  более половины известных месторождений;  геолог  ученый;  вероятность;  глубоко в земле;  аэрофотосъемка;  свойство поверхности  отражать;  гравитационное и магнитное поля;  единственный метод;   бурение отверстия;  скважина;  платформа; морское дно;  на глубине от 1000 метров и более;  крупные нефтяные и газовые месторождения.


Exercise 3


Закончите предложения подходящими по смыслу словами и словосочетаниями:


1. Crude oil and natural gas are found in…        -        a) more than 50 countries

                                                                           b) Western Europe

                                                                                c) in 20 countries


2. The largest deposits of petroleum are…         -        a) in USA

                                                                           b) in Russia

                                                                           c) in the Middle East


3. Oil or gas can be found by…                -        a) gathering

                                                                           b) drilling

                                                                           c) digging


4. For a long time most wells were drilled…      -        a) on land

                                                                           b) on sand

c) in the garden


5. Large oil and gas fields have been found…         a) offshore

                                                                           b) near lakes

                                                                            c) in the forests


6. Russia has big offshore oil reserves in…                 a) the Barents Sea

                                                                           b) Black Sea

                                                                           c) Volga river


Exercise 4


Соответствуют ли данные предложения содержанию текста:


  1. Crude oil and natural gas are found in more than 50 countries.
  2. The largest crude oil and gas deposits are in the Middle East.
  3. More than half of the known oil reserves are in Arctic ocean.
  4. Geologists and other scientists have developed techniques to extract oil from the ground.
  5. Aerial photography of special surface features is one of the methods in looking for the oil.
  6. Special meters are used to measure the earth’s gravity and magnetic field.
  7. Textile and transportation companies spend many millions of dollars for drilling in different areas.
  8. Floating platforms were developed for drilling at water depths of 300 m or more.
  9. Most major oil fields in the future may be in the Middle East.


Exercise 5


Составьте предложения, используя данные слова и словосочетания:


  1. Commercial quantities; parts of the world; crude oil; natural gas; to find; 50 countries.
  2. Oil reserve; deposit; largest; Middle East; to contain; more; known; oil reserve; half.
  3. Technique; geologist; scientist; to develop; to indicate; oil; deep in the ground; possibility.
  4. Method; drilling; to be found; oil or gas; a hole; the reservoir.
  5. Most wells; to drill; for a long time; on land.
  6. Offshore; large; to find; oil; gas; field.
  7. Offshore; most; finds; major; future; may be.


Exercise 6


Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:


  1. Более половины известных запасов нефти и природного газа находятся на Ближнем Востоке.
  2. Нефть добывается в коммерческих объемах в более чем 50-ти странах мира.
  3. Ученые и геологи разработали технологии обнаружения нефти на больших глубинах.
  4. Одним из основных методов обнаружения нефти является аэрофотосъемка.
  5. Основным методом обнаружения и добычи нефти является бурение скважины.
  6. Нефтяные компании тратят миллионы долларов на бурение скважин.
  7. После второй мировой войны, нефтяные компании начали разработку месторождений в море.
  8. С плавучих нефтяных платформ осуществляется бурение на глубину 1000 и более метров.