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Picture of Гузель Гилязиева
by Гузель Гилязиева - Saturday, 23 May 2020, 10:44 AM
Picture of Элина Вафина
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Элина Вафина - Saturday, 23 May 2020, 10:45 AM


Picture of Айрат Баянов
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Айрат Баянов - Saturday, 23 May 2020, 10:46 AM

Based on the text, we can conclude that EMC has a very strong effect on our daily lives. On the one hand, it is very dangerous and can lead to death, for example, ultraviolet waves can cause cancer, as well as gamma waves, which cause significant harm to the body. Reading all this, I want to make one conclusion - never use it and try to stay away. But not everything is as bad as it seems. Cooking in the microwave, transmitting information via radar, telephone or computer, X-rays - all this is the merit of EMC. Without EMC, all of this would not have happened, and I believe that EMC is a gift to humanity, because because of this, science has begun to progress so rapidly. And many areas of people's lives have become simpler and better.

Picture of Ксения Фадеева
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Ксения Фадеева - Saturday, 23 May 2020, 10:46 AM

After reading the text, we can conclude that EMS is an important part of our life. They represent different wavelengths in the spectrum. These include: microwave ovens, visible light rays, ultraviolet waves, x-rays, and gamma rays. This makes our daily life easier. But EMS has its pros and cons.  So, because of EMS, we can see different colors, they also have other advantages. Firstly, x-rays are used in imaging technology to view bone structures inside the body. Secondly, microwave ovens provide radar, landline phone calls and computer data transfers, as well as cooking your dinner. Thirdly, EM waves are emitted by televisions. Although EMS has very useful facts, they also have some disadvantages. Gamma rays can destroy living cells, and ultraviolet waves can cause cancer in living organisms. The text also tells us about gamma rays, which the atmosphere protects us from.

Picture of Гузель Ахметьянова
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Гузель Ахметьянова - Saturday, 23 May 2020, 10:46 AM

Based on the text, I concluded that EMS is very closely connected with our lives. EMS represents different wavelengths. Such as microwaves, infrared waves, visible light waves, ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma waves. All these types of waves both make our life easier and ruin it. With the help of microwaves in the microwave oven, we can warm up our food or make a stationary phone call. Infrared waves produce heat. And visible light waves allow us to see the world around us. But the main disadvantage of EMS is that due to UV waves, you can get body burns, and even worse cancer in living organisms. Gamma rays can also destroy living cells. In addition, EM waves cause us great harm when we use our gadgets while they are charging. And this way our body is even more irradiated.

Picture of Нияз Фаттахов
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Нияз Фаттахов - Saturday, 23 May 2020, 10:46 AM


Picture of Рустем Даминов
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Рустем Даминов - Saturday, 23 May 2020, 10:48 AM


Picture of Айрат Салаватуллин
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Айрат Салаватуллин - Saturday, 23 May 2020, 10:49 AM

We are all literally swimming in an ocean of radio waves. The earth's own magnetic field protects all living things from harsh solar radiation. The work of the nervous system and heart is carried out by an electric pulse. Thanks to this, we can make an ECG and EEG and learn in advance about the upcoming problems in the heart and brain. A person has long and successfully used electricity for medicinal purposes.Electrophoresis, microwave, UHF and others are well known to all.low-frequency electromagnetic fields play an essential role in the functioning of living nature: living organisms have evolved to use low-frequency electromagnetic fields to obtain information about changes in the external environment, for information links between organisms and within living organisms. There is an assumption about the possible influence of fields at ultra-low frequencies in the range 10 - 3 - 10 Hz, close to the most important biological rhythms. (The rhythms of electrical activity in the brain, heart, and other organs are essentially in the same frequency range.)

Picture of Кирилл Максимов
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Кирилл Максимов - Saturday, 23 May 2020, 10:50 AM

The text devoded to  examples of EMS.

EMS IS devided into Several groups. For example microwave ovens: they are used from the microwave oven to the radar. Their wavelength is from centimeters to feet. But the size of infrared waves ranges from a few millimeters to microscopic lengths. They are used in the remote control.Visible Light Rays. The frequencies move from the lower wavelengths, detected as reds, up to the higher visible wavelengths, detected as violet hues.Thanks to the light, we can see what is happening around us. Ultraviolet waves have even shorter wavelengths than visible Light. It can cause burns and even cancer, but scientists use it to study stars. X-rays and gamma rays are dangerous to humans, but they have learned to use them for their own good

Picture of Дмитрий Козин
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Дмитрий Козин - Saturday, 23 May 2020, 10:54 AM


Picture of Азат Хамитов
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Азат Хамитов - Saturday, 23 May 2020, 10:55 AM


Picture of Анастасия Низамаева
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Анастасия Низамаева - Saturday, 23 May 2020, 10:56 AM


Picture of Альбина Ибрагимова
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Альбина Ибрагимова - Saturday, 23 May 2020, 11:00 AM


Picture of Оксана Глубоковских
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Оксана Глубоковских - Saturday, 23 May 2020, 11:15 AM

Picture of Павел Батырев
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Павел Батырев - Saturday, 23 May 2020, 11:22 AM


Picture of Илья Кочнев
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Илья Кочнев - Saturday, 23 May 2020, 11:40 AM
