Automation in industry. Автоматизация в промышленности.


Изображение пользователя Диана Камалова
от Диана Камалова - Wednesday, 18 March 2020, 12:04
1) In the course of my reasoning I came to the conclusion that automated manufacturing had several steps in its development. Mechanization was the first step necessary in the development of automation. The simplification of work made it possible to design and build machines that resembled the motions of the worker, These specialized machines were motorized and they had better production efficiency. 2)The term automation has also been used to describe nonmanufacturing systems in which programmed or automatic devices can operate independently or nearly independently of human control. In the fields of communications, aviation, and astronautics, for example, such devices as automatic telephone switching equipment, automatic pilots, and automated guidance and control systems are used to perform various operations much faster or better than could be accomplished by humans. Industrial robots, originally designed only to perform simple tasks in environments dangerous to human workers, are now extremely dexterous and are being used to transfer, manipulate, and index (that is, to position) both light and heavy workpieces, thus performing all the functions of a transfer machine. 3) As the technology of power transfer evolved, these specialized machines were motorized and their production efficiency was improved. The development of power technology also gave rise to the factory system of production, because all workers and machines had to be located near the power source. The transfer machine is a device used to move a work piece from one specialized machine tool to another, in such a manner as to properly position the work piece for the next machining operation. 4)The goal of this assembly-line system was to make automobiles available to people who previously could not afford them. This method of production was adopted by most automobile manufacturers and rapidly became known as Detroit automation. Despite more recent advances, it is this system of production that most people think of as automation.