обучение на карантине


Picture of Гузель Гилязиева
by Гузель Гилязиева - Thursday, 16 April 2020, 10:51 AM
Picture of Айрат Баянов
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Айрат Баянов - Thursday, 16 April 2020, 10:58 AM

I can go out on the street every weekend and do my own clean-up. I can also make bird feeders. Everyone can call each other out to protect nature. Just go and throw the trash in the dumpster. You can go to the forest and help the forest animals. Only together can we protect nature and we need to start with ourselves.

Picture of Артур Шабутдинов
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Артур Шабутдинов - Thursday, 16 April 2020, 10:58 AM

Everyone can contribute to improving the environment. Already today we can use packages less, replacing them with eco-bags, sort garbage, and also not litter on the streets and in nature. You can hand over paper for recycling, because forests are endless. And also do not buy water bottles, but carry your own special water bottle with you, since when we buy, we support the production of plastic.

Picture of Павел Батырев
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Павел Батырев - Thursday, 16 April 2020, 10:59 AM

To improve the environment, I can recycle waste paper. With my family, we can plant at least 1 tree a year. I can grow indoor plants. I can also walk more instead of driving. I will use 2 sides of paper.

Picture of Нияз Фаттахов
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Нияз Фаттахов - Thursday, 16 April 2020, 11:02 AM

To improve the environment, you need to make feeders, toughen penalties for the release of garbage into the environment. It is necessary to limit the movement to all types of vehicles that are harmful to the environment, to make fuel more environmentally friendly and not to burn garbage, but to make a waste recycling plant in all countries and large cities of the world and so that this plant does not harm the environment

Picture of Ксения Фадеева
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Ксения Фадеева - Thursday, 16 April 2020, 11:02 AM

To improve the environment and keep the environment clean we can:

1.Replace single-use bags with a bag.

2. Dispose of trash strictly in a container or trash can.

3. Сontrol and assistance in improvement of the territory near the house(planting flowers, participating in clean-up).

4.Remove electrical appliances from charging when they are already sufficiently charged.

5.Do not incinerate waste in open landfills.

Picture of Дмитрий Козин
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Дмитрий Козин - Thursday, 16 April 2020, 11:03 AM


Picture of Гузель Ахметьянова
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Гузель Ахметьянова - Thursday, 16 April 2020, 11:04 AM

For our ecology to be better, we need to follow certain rules. For example, use two sides of the paper instead of one, so we will save the trees. We can close the water during brushing and washing dishes, this will save about 20 liters of water daily. Turn off the charger from the outlet if you are not charging anything with it at the moment, since it still consumes electricity. You can also grow indoor plants, so that the room was more saturated with oxygen. These small rules for preserving the ecology of our planet will help us live longer and with clean air in the atmosphere.

Picture of Анастасия Низамаева
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Анастасия Низамаева - Thursday, 16 April 2020, 11:04 AM

To improve the environment, we can dispose of garbage in certain recycling containers. We can participate in tree planting campaigns. We can allocate a certain day for cleaning the territory. The most effective way to control pollution is for people to throw their garbage in bins. We can also organize an event to clean not only the beach, but also the river.

Picture of Азат Хамитов
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Азат Хамитов - Thursday, 16 April 2020, 11:05 AM


Picture of Элина Вафина
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Элина Вафина - Thursday, 16 April 2020, 11:07 AM

In order to preserve all the beauty and amazingness of the environment, we need not to scatter the garbage and not wait for the yard to be cleaned of rubbish by the community service workers, but to take part in cleaning the territory ourselves. Be attentive to the needs of animals and surround them with care. When it is cold, feed city birds. Throw garbage, especially plastic, only in special containers. If each person does this, then the state of the environment will noticeably improve.

Picture of Илья Кочнев
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Илья Кочнев - Thursday, 16 April 2020, 11:09 AM

Everyone should participate in the protection of nature. TThe easiest way is to sort the garbage. And it will also be easier for nature if we less use plastic products. And you can cleaning  parks squares and yards from garbage. Do not burn garbage cause it is very polluting. Love and protect the nature!

Picture of Оксана Глубоковских
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Оксана Глубоковских - Thursday, 16 April 2020, 11:10 AM

Picture of Альбина Ибрагимова
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Альбина Ибрагимова - Thursday, 16 April 2020, 11:13 AM


Picture of Рустем Даминов
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Рустем Даминов - Thursday, 16 April 2020, 11:21 AM


Picture of Айрат Салаватуллин
Re: ТТ-3-19
by Айрат Салаватуллин - Thursday, 16 April 2020, 11:41 AM
