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АТ-1-19, 25.04.20

Изображение пользователя Гузель Гилязиева
АТ-1-19, 25.04.20
от Гузель Гилязиева - Saturday, 25 April 2020, 08:00


Изображение пользователя Ангелина Андреева
Re: АТ-1-19, 25.04.20
от Ангелина Андреева - Saturday, 25 April 2020, 08:08

Доброе утро

резюме: From the text, I learned that there are 3 types of energy saving. The first is for very extreme measures, the second is difficult to implement due to the established way of life of people, and the third is the most optimal. However, there are many obstacles on this path.

Изображение пользователя Евгения Захарова
Re: АТ-1-19, 25.04.20
от Евгения Захарова - Saturday, 25 April 2020, 08:17

Упражнение 1

1. How many types of possible energy conservation practices do you know? 

There are three types of possible energy conservation practices.

2. How do you understand the restriction measures?

Restriction that is, doing without—for example, closing factories or staying home instead of taking trips.

3. How do you understand the renovation measures?

Renovate, that is, changing the way people live and the way goods and services are produced—for example, outlawing further sub urbanization or switching to less energy-intensive materials in production processes.

4. How do you understand the more efficient use of energy?

The more efficient use of energy that is, adjusting to higher energy costs—for example investing in cars that go farther per unit of fuel, capturing waste heat in factories, and insulating houses.

5. What of three alternatives is most readily acceptable to governments and society in general?

The more efficient use of energy alternative is most readily acceptable to governments and society in general.

6. When did large energy savings begin to occur?

 Large energy savings began to occur in the 1970s

7. Will further savings of 30 to 40 percent of energy dramatically affect the way people live?

 Further savings of 30 to 40 percent appear possible without dramatically affecting the way people live.

8. What is the major roadblock to productive conservation of energy?

A number of obstacles stand in the way, however. One major roadblock to productive conservation is its highly uneven and simple character. Another barrierhas been the price

9. Do you think that the price factor is another barrier to productive conservation of energy?

Yes, Another barrier has been the price

10. What can you tell about the cost of gasoline in the U.S. in 1990 compaired with 1970?

The cost of gasoline in the U.S. in 1990 was only slightly higher than it was in 1970, if inflation is factored into the calculation.

11. Do low energy prices make it difficult to convince people to invest in energy efficiency?

Low energy prices make it difficult to convince people to invest in energy efficiency

12. Is the lack of information an obstacle to make energy-conservation investments?

A third obstacle is the lack of information and enough money for energy consumers to make energy-conservation investments.

13. Do energy efficiency improvements over time more than pay for themselves?

  Over time energy efficiency improvements more than pay for themselves, but they do require diverting investments in the short term, which is more difficult for some sectors of the economy than for others.

14. Do they require require diverting investments in the short term?

Over time energy efficiency improvements more than pay for themselves, but they do require diverting investments in the short term, which is more difficult for some sectors of the economy than for others.


Упражнение 2

• Существуют три основных вида практики сохранения энергии. - There are three main typesof energy conservation practices.

Запретительные меры предусматривают сокращение потребления энергии. - Restrictionmeasures include reducing energy consumption.

• Государство планирует переход на менее энергоемкие производственные процессы. - Thestate plans to switch to less energy-intensiveproduction processes.
• Более эффективное использование энергии предусматривает инвестирование в автомобили с большим пробегом на единицу топлива. - A more efficient use of energy involvesinvesting in cars with high mileage per unit of fuel.
• Более эффективное использование энергии является наиболее приемлемой альтернативой для правительств и общества. - More efficientuse of energy is the most appropriate alternative forgovernments and society.
• Увеличение эффективности использования энергии будет способствовать поддержанию мирового энергетического равновесия в обозримом будущем.- Increased energy efficiency will help maintain the global energy balance for the foreseeable future.
• Крупные энергосберегащие процессы начались в1970-х годах и дальнейшее сокращениепотребления энергии на 30-40% не окажутсильного влияния на образ жизни людей. - Large energy-saving processes began in the 1970s and a further reduction in energy consumption by 30-40% will not have a strong impact on people's lifestyles.
• Одним из основных препятствий в процессепродуктивного сохранения энергии являетсяего неопределенный и ординарный характер. - One of the main obstacles in the process of productive energy conservation is its indefinite and ordinary character.
• Сотни миллионов людей должны выполнятьобычные действия, такие как: выключатьсвет и поддерживать нормальное давление вшинах автомобилей. - Hundreds of millions of people must carry out routine activities, such as turning off the light and maintaining normal tire pressure.
• Цена бензина в Европе в 2000 году была натреть ниже чем в странах Европы. - The price of gasoline in Europe in 2000 was a third lower than in Europe
• Низкие цены на энергию создают трудности вубеждении людей экономить энергию. - Low energy prices create difficulties in persuading people to save energy.
• Краткосрочные инвестиции более приемлемыдля определенных секторов экономики, менееприемлемы для других. - Short-term investments are more acceptable for certain sectors of the economy, less acceptable for others.

This text tells us about 3 types of possible energy sabing methods. It also explains us why are this possibilities so important for humanity. But, in the same time, this text describes us disadvantages of this methods.  

Изображение пользователя Илья Лаптев
Re: АТ-1-19, 25.04.20
от Илья Лаптев - Saturday, 25 April 2020, 08:23

Лаптев Илья АТ-1-19