


     Coal is a general term for a wide variety of solid materials that are high in carbon content. Electric utility companies produce steam to turn their generators burning coal. Some coal also is used in factories to provide heat for buildings and industrial processes.  Special, high-quality coal is turned into metallurgical coke for use in making steel.


     The world’s coal reserves are enormous. The amount of coal (as measured by energy content) that is technically and economically recoverable under present conditions is five times as large as the reserves of crude oil. If you include high-cost coal reserves, the amount that will become recoverable as energy prices raise could be more than 20 times the quantity of crude oil. Just four regions contain three-fourths of the world’s coal reserves that are now technically and economically recoverable: the U.S. - 24 percent, the countries of the former Soviet Union - 24 percent, China - 11 percent and Western Europe - 10 percent.


Words and expressions


сoal                                         -        уголь

general term                                     -        общее обозначение

wide variety                                     -        широкое разнообразие

solid material                          -        твердый материал

high carbon content                -        высокое содержание углерода

electric utility company          -        электрическая компания

to produce steam                    -        производить пар

to provide heat                       -        обеспечивать отопление

high-quality coal                     -        уголь высокого качества

to turn into…                         -        превращаться в…

metallurgical coke                            -        металлургический кокс

coal reserve                                      -        запас угля

enormous                               -        громадный

to measure by energy content -        измерять энергоотдачей

technically and economically  -        технически и экономически

to recover                               -        добывать

under present condition                   -        при существующем условии

high-cost coal reserve             -        дорогостоящий запас угля

Last modified: Wednesday, 21 January 2015, 12:46 AM