Задания к тексту Rise of US Automaking (1, 2, 3)

Exercise 1

Ответьте на следующие вопросы:


  1. What unit was introduced by Gerald Ford in 1913 to speed up production of automobiles?
  2. Formation of what organization had an important influence to growth of the automobile industry in the beginning of 19th century?
  3.  How do you understand the cross - licensing agreement manufacturers?
  4. What city in the USA is known as home for most manufacturers of passenger-cars and motor-truck vehicles?
  5. What part of an automobile was invented by Charles F. Kettering in 1912?
  6.  When and where balloon tires were invented and how they influenced the automobile industry in general?
  7. What american automotive pioneers do you know?
  8. Has  automotive industry shown a steady expansion during World War II?
  9. What was the figure of motor-vehicle produced in the USA in late 1970s?



Exercise 2

Заполните пропуски недостающими по смыслу словами, используя текст:


  1. Ford greatly speeded up … by introducing the conveyor belt to carry automobile parts on assembly lines.
  2. An important influence in the growth of the … was the formation of the Automobile Board of Trade.
  3. A cross-licensing agreement were made by … .
  4. Under the …, patent rights were shared so that better automobiles might be made, no matter who might make them.
  5. The capital of many early U.S. manufacturers was located  in … .
  6. The invention of … by Charles F. Kettering was a benchmark in U.S. automotive development?
  7.  John N. Willys was famous as a manufacturer of … during the World War II.
  8. The automotive industry plants were converted to the production of …  during the World War II. 
  9. An all-time high in US motor-vehicle production was reached in … .


Exercise 3

Соответствуют ли данные предложения содержанию текста:


  1. Ford greatly speeded up production of cars by introducing in 1913 an electric engine instead of internal-combustion engine.
  2. The conveyor belt was invented by Ford to carry automobile parts on assembly lines.
  3. Automobile Board of Trade influenced greatly the subsequent growth of the automobile industry in the United States.
  4.  Automobile Board of Trade today embraces all automobile manufacturers in the United States.
  5. Anti-trust laws established a custom of “patents for use,” instead of patents as advantages to be monopolized and exploited.
  6. Under the cross – licensing agreement, patent rights were shared so that better automobiles might be made, no matter who might make them.
  7. Many early U.S. manufacturers located their plants in and about New York City.
  8. Charles F. Kettering invented balloon tires in 1912.
  9. During 1941-1946 the automotive industry has shown a steady expansion.
  10. 12,878,000 motor vehicles were produced in the United States.