Задания к тексту Pollution and oil shortage (4, 5, 6)

Exercise 4

Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:


  1. The mass use of motor vehicles was bound to have some unforeseen and undesirable consequences of which three can be singled out: traffic congestion, air pollution, and highway accidents.
  2. The constantly growing number of automobiles throughout the world adds to the difficulty of finding remedies for congestion.
  3. The heart of the problem is that few city street systems have been designed for automobile traffic.
  4. The widespread use of automobiles for business travel has also led in many cities to a decline in public transit systems.
  5. Automobile exhaust commonly contributes half the atmospheric pollutants in large cities.
  6. At the end of the 20th century, many scientists believed that emissions from motor vehicles, industrial processes, and power plants were leading to a buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
  7. Many automobile manufacturers also have undertaken development of alternative, less-polluting power sources.
  8. Highway accidents create a distressing toll of fatalities and injuries wherever there is widespread use of automobiles.
  9. Each year there are hundreds of thousands of motor vehicle fatalities worldwide.
  10. The social and economic cost of car accidents is incalculable.
  11. Efforts to improve highway safety have been successful in most countries.
  12. Today many vehicles are equipped with multiple air bags to protect occupants.
  13.  Most countries of the world have set speed limits ranging from about 65 km  per hour in some island nations to 120–130 km per hour in many European countries.
  14. In some parts of the world, such as areas of Germany, India, and the Philippines, speed limits traditionally are not prescribed.


Exercise 5

Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:


  1. In 1996 separate legislation was enacted requiring all traders to present balance sheets to taxation departments.
  2. Exhaust-emission control devices should be installed on all cars built after January 1, 1968.
  3. The automotive industry recently introduced a new generation electric car.
  4. Turbo-jet engine involves injecting air into the burning chamber of the engine.
  5. More of the hydrocarbons and the carbon monoxide are burned before being emitted into the atmosphere in well designed engines.
  6.  The Clean Air Act requires all European manufacturers to design more efficient and “clean” engines.
  7.  Rising gasoline prices led to an increased inflation in Russia in late 1990s.
  8. Plans for volume production of refrigerators are under study in our factory nowadays.
  9. The new bridge was under construction since late 1990s but at the end of 1999 cash shortages hampered construction work.

    Exercise 6

    Переведите на английский язык:


    1. Федеральный закон о контроле над окружающей средой был принят в 1984 году.
    2. Установка приборов по контролю над выхлопными газами автомобилей была введена законодательно в США в 1966 году.
    3.  Два вида контроля были установлены на недавно смонтированном оборудовании.
    4. Закон обязал всех автолюбителей проверять двигатель своего автомобиля на токсичность выхлопных газов.
    5. Среднее потребление топлива на автомобилях данного класса составляет 10 литров на 100 километров.
    6. При увеличении цены на бензин, уменьшается спрос на большие автомобили.
    7. Для управления процессом впрыска топлива, в современных автомобилях используются компьютеры.
    8. Чем меньше вес автомобиля, тем выше его эффективность.
    9. Расход топлива на автомобиле во многом зависит от эффективности двигателя