Форум 2

Форум 2
Tuesday, 2 October 2018, 12:59 PM

Discuss different ways of achieving success. Give the reasons for your opinion. Обсудите различные способы достижения успеха. Подтвердите свою точку зрения примерами из социальной жизни студентов.

Оцените ответ одного из участников форума по пятибалльной системе по следующим критериям 1) использование ключевой лексики 2)грамотность 3) логичность повествования. Загрузите свой комментарий в форум.

1) Being successful and being happy is the same?

2) Skills and qualifications necessary for successful people.

3) Education and success.

Picture of Ильсаф Вахитов
Re: Форум 2
by Ильсаф Вахитов - Friday, 20 March 2020, 11:52 AM

Задание 1

Вахитов И.И.


Picture of Руслан Мавлеев
АТ-2-19, Мавлеев Руслан
by Руслан Мавлеев - Tuesday, 24 March 2020, 11:31 AM
Решения Unit 2
1-11 Задания

АТ-2-19, Мавлеев Руслан 
Picture of Гульфия Махмутова (Мустафина)
Re: Форум 2
by Гульфия Махмутова (Мустафина) - Tuesday, 24 March 2020, 12:46 PM

ТТ-4-19 Мустафина Г (1-11 задания юнита 2) 12:50 , 24.03.2020

Picture of Айдан Казиханов
Задания 1-11
by Айдан Казиханов - Tuesday, 24 March 2020, 12:51 PM

Казиханов Айдан, АТ-2-19

Picture of Разиль Башаров
Re: Форум 2
by Разиль Башаров - Tuesday, 24 March 2020, 4:52 PM

АТ-2-19 Башаров Р.Р.

Picture of Эльбек Мавлянов
Re: Форум 2
by Эльбек Мавлянов - Monday, 7 February 2022, 10:36 AM

1)I believe that distance digital education can be permanent, but it can affect the quality of knowledge.

2) digital education of different countries and peoples of the world can bring many cultures closer together

3) to develop self-motivation and time management skills, you need desire, aspiration and discipline

Picture of Эльбек Мавлянов
Re: Форум 2
by Эльбек Мавлянов - Thursday, 10 February 2022, 7:54 PM

1)I believe that the advantages of distance education, the opportunity to study from anywhere in the world,

Independent organization of the educational process,

No time frame: you choose the time of the lesson yourself.

Disadvantages of distance learning: Lack of direct face-to-face communication between students and the teacher. And when there is no person nearby who could emotionally color knowledge, this is a significant disadvantage for the learning process. It is difficult to create a creative atmosphere in a group of students. The need for a personal computer and Internet access

2) I think the transition to digital and distance learning is inevitable, but there are countries with a lower level of digital technologies (for example, countries like Africa, India) Countries with a higher level of digital technologies will develop rapidly, there will be discrimination.

3)Traditional classrooms will remain the same, but digital technologies will become integral to the life of a modern student.